
Aquael history

Company history

1984 Establishment of AQUAEL Start production of aerators
1985 The rapid development of the company, relocating the headquarters on Hołubcowa street
1990 A rapid increase in production Implementation of internal filters for production
1995 Change of office in Warsaw (new, bigger production plant)
1998 Opening of the factory in Suwałki
2000 Expansion of the plant in Suwałki
2002 Opening of a new production hall with an area of 5,500 m2 in Suwałki. Introduction to the production of FZN cascade filters
2004 Purchase of technology from the German company BIOPLAST. Introduction to the production of UNIMAX filters, DELUXE aquarium sets
2005 Expansion of the enlarging production plant in Suwałki up to 11.000 m2. Beginning of the production of food for aquarium fish ACTI, FAN PLUS filters
2006 Organization of the 1st AQUAEL  Aquarium exhibition during the ZOOMARKET Fair. Beginning of production of preparations for ACTI aquarium fish,
HEATZONE aquarium heaters,
ACTI pond fish foods,
ready ponds EASY POND,
pond pumps AQUAJET 15000-25000,
PS UV METAL pond sterilizers,
internal aquarium filters with UNIFILTER UV sterilization, THERMOSTAB DUAL thermoregulators,
BRILLUX 60 aquarium sets,
BIO internal filters,
aquarium heaters UNIMAX – UNIHEATER; modernization of UNIMAX filters,
2007 Sponsorship of the aquarium exhibition and aquaristic encounters during the PET FAIR- invitation by Heiko Bleher; organization of the 2nd Aquarium AQUAEL Summer Exhibition at the ZOOMARKET Fair, the BRILLUX set is the laureate of the 15th edition of the European Medal, a distinction in the VIDICAL competition for the company’s AQUAEL calendar. Commencement of production of aquarium fish for ACTI fish in sachets, ALL IN 1 aquarium test strips, KLARPRESSURE UV 8000 pond filters, WATERLIGHT QUADRO garden lamps, illuminated fountain pump LIGHTPLAY RINGS, KINKIET BOWLSET aquarium pods, CLASSIC aquarium covers, new line of structural backgrounds AQUAEL, THERMOSTAB TS 500 TIMER thermoregulators, EASY HEATER aquarium heaters, ACTI CO2 SET carbon dioxide fertilizer sets, SKIMMER PS 300 pipe skimmers, DELUXE WENGE aquarium sets.
2008 Participation in the Toruń AQUATERRA FORUM, participation in INTERZOO 2008, opening of the first AQUAEL ZOO store. Beginning of food production for ACTI aquarium fish, FAN PLUS filters
2009 Celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the company: the Great Aquarium Exhibition at the Warsaw ZOO, the 1st PRIMUS INTER PARES Competition, the AQUAEL ReefMAX set receives the PetFair Łódź 2009 statuette, sponsoring the 3rd International Rally of Shrimp Lovers in Warsaw, opening the 10th AQUAEL ZOO. Introduction to the production of PEARL DARK SILVER aquarium sets, metal halide lamps, REEFMAX marine aquarium sets (currently REEF MASTER), ECONOLINE aquarium sets, filtration media, HEATING TREE 20 W warming trees, TERRAZONE heating cables, aquarium sets CZESIO and ANDŻELIKA, BETTA aquarium sets MINIBOWL, aquarium UNI UV POWER sterilisers, ACTI SUBSTRATE PRO + substrates, ALUDEKOR OVAL aquarium sets, REEF CIRCULATOR 2600 pumps, ECONOLINE ZEBRANO kits, THERMOSTAB TS 500 thermoregulators, MULTI UV sterilizers, SHRIMPSET aquarium sets.
2012 Opening of the AQUAEL ZOO online store, organization of the next cycle of sales training for business partners “Partner in business” together with the Eucanuba brand, introduction of the limited series of products with the Hello Kitty logo to the AQUAEL and COMFY eoferty products; introduction of a partner system in AQUAEL ZOO stores, commencement of production of LEDDY garden solar lamps, implementation of a campaign promoting the quality of “AQUAEL INNOVATIONS”, announcement of a public campaign “AQUARIUM FOR ONE SMILE”. Introduction of the first heater with golden thermostat contacts COMFORTZONE GOLD, pond pumps PFN 500-2000, fan NANO COOL, canister filters MULTIKANI and MULTICARTRIDGE modules, LEDDY aquarium lighting bars, LEDDY aquarium sets, OXYPRO aerator, CLASSIC WHITE aquarium sets; modernization of EASYHEATER heaters
2014 Celebration the 30th anniversary of the AQUAEL company and commissioning a new logistic hall with an area of 4,500 m2, accommodating about 8,000 storage places Implementation of LED technology for production.
2018 Joinin g the DIVERSA brand to AQUAEL’s portfolio Beginning production of advanced Ultraheater and Platinium Heater heaters. Launch of production and distribution of the most advanced Aquael product – ULTRAMAX external filters

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