

Expo Zoo, Paris, 10-13 January 2019

20 05 2019

The latest AQUAEL products were presented at the EXPO ZOO zoological fair, which took place on 10-13 January 2019 in the French capital. The stand of the French distributor of AQUAEL, Hardy Dewerse, featured new products, such as a set for setting up a marine aquarium GLOSSY MARINE, decorative rocks IWAGUMI ROCKS, innovative canister filters ULTRAMAX and remotely controlled LEDDY SLIM LINK lighting. Expo visitors, including representatives of shops and wholesalers, were hugely interested especially the top hit novelty, namely GLOSSY MARINE and, obviously, the ultra-modern and amazingly elegant LEDDY SLIM lighting controlled by a smartphone application.

We would like to thank those who visited the Hardy Dewerse stand and the entire team for their help and hospitality. On behalf of the organisers of the Expo, let us take this opportunity to invite you to the next edition of this dynamic and highly successful zoological event.

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